

Results 1 - 4 of about 4

Other - Computational Genomics - group

Furney SJ, Gundem G, Lopez-Bigas N. Oncogenomics methods and resources. Cold Spring Harbor protocols, 2012; 5. PMID: 22550293 . DOI: 10.1101/pdb.top069229.


Other - Computational RNA Biology - Computational Genomics - group

Alló M, Schor IE, Muñoz MJ, de la Mata M, Agirre E, Valcárcel J, Eyras E, Kornblihtt AR. Chromatin and alternative splicing. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol, 2011;75:103-11. PMID: 21289049 .


Other - Evolutionary Genomics - Computational Genomics - group

Alba, M.M. Temporal aspects of gene evolution. Año Darwin, SESBE, 2009


Other - Computational Genomics - group

Furney SJ, Madden SF, Kisiel TA, Higgins DG, Lopez-Bigas N. Distinct patterns in the regulation and evolution of human cancer genes. In Silico Biol, 2008; 8(1): 33-46. PMID: 18430988 .


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