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Book chapters - Systems Pharmacology

Antolín AA, Mestres J. The polypharmacology gap between chemical biology and drug discovery. In Computational Tools for Chemical Biology. S. Martín-Santamaría (Ed.), Royal Society of Chemistry: London, 2017, Vol. 3, pp. 349-370


Book chapters - Systems Pharmacology

Antolín AA, Mestres J. Knowledge Base for Nuclear Receptor Drug Discovery. In Therapeutic Targets: Modulation, Inhibition, and Activation. LM Botana and MI Loza (Eds.), John Wiley & Sons: New York, 2012. 


Book chapters - Systems Pharmacology

Mestres J. The Annotation and Classification of Biological Space in Chemogenomics.In Chemogenomics and Chemical Genetics: A User’s Introduction for Biologists, Chemists, and Informaticians. Marechal E, Roy S,  Lafanechere L (Eds), Springer: Heidelberg, 2011; pp. 185-196


Book chapters - Systems Pharmacology

Gregori-Puigjané E, Mestres J. Designing Chemical Libraries Directed to Nuclear Receptors in "Nuclear Receptors as Drug Targets", Ottow E, Weinmann H (Eds.), Wiley-VCH: Weinheim, 2008:469-88


Book chapters - Systems Pharmacology

Mestres J. L´Annotation et la Classification de l´Espace Biologique pour la Chemogenomique In "Chemogénomique, des petites molécules pour explorer le vivant", Marechal E, Roy S, Lafanechere L (Eds.), EDP Sciences: Grenoble 2007: 195-206


Book chapters - Systems Pharmacology

Mestres J. Mapping the Chemogenomic Space. In: Jacoby E (Ed). Chemogenomics: Knowledge-based Approaches to Drug Discovery. London: Imperial College Press; 2006. p. 39-57


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